


An Airport Closed. What was once a gateway, a hub of energy and movement is now silent and still .

An Airport is a certainty, a lifeline, something we have access to at all times, to fulfil our responsibilities, our passions, our dreams.

The Airport has a deafening silence.  In this silence the Airport’s significance is so obvious and we can only dream it may provide for our future freedoms once again.

The Series Project. Isolation. July. 2020.


Nick Paulsen is a New Zealand Photographer currently based in Auckland. He is formally trained in Photo Journalism and gained International qualifications from Spéos Photography School in Paris. Nick also has extensive experience in the Music Industry and has photographed some of the worlds biggest artists leading to publications in LA Weekly, Mojo Music Magazine and Télérama.

Nick is driven to produce images that can guide us into the mysterious and often hidden realities that surround us.  

Aside from his work in Photo Documentary and Music, Nick is involved with various charities and causes and seeks to create an atmosphere of feeling and emotion with his work. His recent series 'Freedom has a Cancellation' (above) gained acknowledgement from the IPA and was featured in  Christchurch International Airports annual review to showcase the devastating impact COVID-19 has had on travel.